
Originally codenamed Project Atlantis, MetaOcean was started as a joint effort between MD Anderson Cancer Research and IBM Storage. Maelstromers had roughly 6 weeks to research, design, and develop a working prototype.

Our team was tasked with solving for the pain point of researchers creating pedabytes of data (that's 1000 terabytes) but then being unable to comb through all of that information—some of which could potentially hold the cure to cancer. The solution came in the form of faceted search with the added ability for researchers and IT managers to more readily converse.

My role was to guide the Maelstrom interns through their processes and teach them how to manage stakeholder expectations throughout.

MetaOcean has recently shipped under the name "IBM Spectrum Discover" and more info can be found here.

Project Specs

Duration: 6 weeks My Role: Project coordination, art direction, and team management
Team: 4 designers, 1 developers
Design problem: Cancer researchers need a better way to access research data.

Rough Draft Dashboard View Presented at Final Playback (Screen designed by Ailbhe Larkin, Marcus Meldon, and Katie Smiley)

Pain Point Slide for MetaOcean Final Playback, 2017

Presentation Slide of MetaOcean Rough Draft-View of IT Manager Reviewing Researcher Content, 2017

Presentation Slide of MetaOcean Rough Draft-Search Feature, 2017

MetaOcean Maelstromers at the MD Anderson Server Room in Houston, TX.